Thursday, February 4, 2010

Long Lost Blogger

Ok clearly I have been a terrible blogger so since there is no way to actually catch up I am just going to post pictures and I will try once again to be a better blogger. For whatever reason when I upload these they don't stay in the order I want, but oh well you get the point. More to come, since this only gets me up to December!
Samantha's first dance recital

Alexandra's first dance recital.
Santa playing train with the girls at Bass Pro.

They were excited to tell Santa what they wanted.
Samantha Singing at a Nursing Home with her pre-school class!
Gingerbread houses...
Samantha's Thanksgiving feast at pre-school...
Samantha, Mommy, and Ethan.

1 comment:

Erin said...

oh, it's so good to see pics... love Sam's christmas snowman outfit. You'll have to tell me the name of that dance place again.