Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Blog Slacker

Well I have been a bad blogger for weeks now.  I keep meaning to and then never get around to it.  So here is a quick update of our January.  Sam gets sick, Ally gets sick, Mommy gets sick, and then Daddy gets sick, and repeat.  Mommy and Daddy are both on antibiotics.  And Alexandra currently has RSV but is getting better.  We also have had lots of gymnastics, play dates, and visits to the aquarium.  We bought a season pass this year for something fun to do on cold days, and have been really enjoying it.  So if anyone wants to go the girls are always up for it.  Also, my dear friend Jennifer just had her first baby boy a week ago, and he is a real cutie.  So anyway, needless to say it's been busy.

For you out of town blog followers the girls have been growing like crazy lately.  Alexandra is really coming into her own.  She can say her ABC's, she can count to 5 and sometimes all the way to 10.  She has informed me that her favorite color is green, and she is starting to recognize several of her letters, and she won't be 2 until March, so we are quite proud.   Samantha is desperately trying to learn how to read.  She constantly is asking me what different words start with and she writes her name and Ally's name.  She also has about 5-8 sight words that she can read.  I can't believe how fast she is growing.  

Here are a few pics from this month...

      Samantha getting her medal at gymnastics... (this isn't Ally's class, 
      but she had to get up there to).
      Sam doing a flip...
   Alexandra hanging...
  My sweet Alexandra always has a bump or 
  bruise on her face, but she is still a cutie...
      My sweet Sam.


Wife, Mother and photographer said...

Sorry you guys have been sick so much. not fun!! I'm glad you had a min to update your blog, and happy to read what you guys have been up to this year :). CUTE Girls!!!

Erin said...

About time... our pediatrician said this is the worst season of RSV that he has seen. So I guess we will see everyone in April :)

Anonymous said...

Jason and I are both on antibiotics too. Glad we are keeping up with the family! The new pics are sweet--Sam looks so cute in her new leotard! Kisses from Kansas!