Monday, November 17, 2008

Poop Party

Yesterday my youngest daughter won the most disgusting baby award.  I guess I should start at the beginning.  We were having a lazy Sunday afternoon.  Justin had even made a fire and we were all relaxing.  I look over at Alexandra and she is playing with what looks like a very puffy ankle.  I didn't want to get up from the couch so I said "Justin look at her does it look like she has a swollen ankle" and he said "no it's just her clothes."   She had some footy pajamas on.  Oh didn't I mention it was afternoon and we were all still in our pajamas?  Ya, none of us went to church yesterday.  I told you it was lazy and I have a cold.  Anyway back to the story.  I think my husband must be right and look back at the TV and then look back at her and tell him "I don't think it is her clothes", but she seems to be walking around ok.  So I decide that I better check her out I unzip her pj's and she is wearing no diaper, not where she should anyway it looks like we had put the diaper on her ankle, and she is absolutely covered in poop, all the way down to her ankle diaper.  At this point I am cracking up and I think Justin is about to throw up.  He is watching my every move hoping that I am not going to ask for any help with this yucky baby.  So I zipped her back up into her pj's and told her to go play.  I thought he was going to fall off the couch.  Needless to say we had early bath's yesterday.  When my children read this blog in the future I want both my daughters to know that to date Alexandra sweetheart you have won the disgusting award, your lucky that Mommy was here to clean you up and bathe you because I think Daddy would have taken you in the backyard and used the power washer!!!  Laf!  :)


Erin said...

Thank goodness for footy pajama's!

Wednesday sounds good... what should we do?

Amberghini said...

Now that is a puffy ankle! Too cute!

Anonymous said...

EEWWW!!! I would have loved to see Justin's face though! :-)