We are home! We had a wonderful vacation full of fun memories. I did try to hide but they found me and put me on the plane! It really wasn't bad traveling with a 1 and 2 year old. The girls were exhausted when we got home yesterday and have been sleeping a ton. I think Alexandra slept something like 15 or 16 hours last night and Samantha not much less than that. Between my in-laws and us we checked 10 bags coming home. I have never traveled with so much stuff in my life. Samantha didn't want to come home but she seems to be adjusting ok! :) It is a little sad that Justin has to go to work tomorrow and the girls and I have to get back to laundry and cleaning. Does anyone have any ideas on how we could become independently wealthy and just travel around? Here are just a few more pics from the trip. Between us and Justin's parents we took more than 1500 but I doubt anyone wants to look at that many!! Hope everyone has a good week!!!
I can't even tell you how jealous I am of your trip!!! Not that I want to get in a bathing suit right now.. but seriously.... i'm jealous!!
1500 pictures?? are ya kiddin' me??
Jealous is right! But so so happy for you guys! What wonderful memories you captured. I love that you took the time to get up and watch the sunrise.
Your girls are beauties!! I'm glad you guys had a good trip!
well, I want to see more pictures than that. We are home... just got back last night.
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