Thursday, February 21, 2008

Flu Bug

We as most of our family and friends know have had an awful winter for sickness.  It seems one of the girls gets sick and then we pass it to each other.  I thought that I had everyone well when 2 days ago Alexandra started running over a 102 degree temp.  I took her to the doctor this morning and she has the flu. Our whole family has been started on Tamiflu.  I guess it is supposed to help Alexandra get over it faster and the rest of us not to get it.  So here is to hoping that the stuff actually works.  So once again I have nothing interesting to post about us, I am just busy over here taking care of sick little ones.  Hope all of you stay well. 

 Also, everyone please continue to pray for Dan and Marleny, I know that several of you have said that you will, but it is such a difficult time for them and Marleny also has the flu so pray pray pray for that sweet family.


Erin said...

I know, we are sick too! Yucky. Did you get any good pictures of the girls playing last week?

Anonymous said...

UGHHH..... sorry to hear that you sick. We, have amazingly not gotten sick yet... of course, as soon as I said it....

Hope you guys feel better soon.

Anonymous said...

Get better soon sweet peas!!

Aunt Kelly