Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Ice Storm

Ode to Electricity. How do I love thee let me count the ways.... I love love love electricity. We have had a bad ice storm here and we were without electricity for a day and were quite fortunate to get ours turned back on while many of our family and friends have not been so lucky. We feel quite blessed to be sitting in our warm house with our baby girls. All these pics are from either our house or houses in our neighborhood. There is going to have to be some serious tree cleanup once it all melts. While I am stating what I love let me just say that I love generators as well. If anyone wants any last minute Christmas ideas for us a big honking generator that will run everything in our house would be great! Hope everyone is staying warm!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wowzers! that is unbelievable!! I am glad you got yours back. My parents are going on day number 4 with no power. But they do have a generator... so they are good.

Anyway, we are going to be in tulsa the 20th.. maybe we can get together. We are going to be staying at Mike and Erins.... let me know if you guys are free.

We FINALLY need to get together!!!