Saturday, November 3, 2007

Tales of Elmo and The Bunny

The girls had a great Halloween. They went and Trick or Treated at Daddy's office and then we went to the Trunk or Treat at our church. The girls had an absolute blast playing and watching the other kids. Samantha thought she was some kind of celebrity because all the adults and all the children every time they would see her would say "oh look there is Elmo" needless to say by the time she got home she thought she was something pretty special. Ally had an equally good time watching everything and really wanted to get involved in it all.

After our great Halloween though Sam woke up with a 102 temp and has been running between 102 and 104 degree temp since. She feels awful and has not had anything to eat to speak of since Halloween. I took her to the doctor yesterday and she has blisters in her mouth, they tested her for strep throat but it turns out it is just a virus and we have to let it run its coarse... Yuck.... On top of all that it is highly contagious and chances are before its all over it will make its rounds through my house. Ain't that Grand???!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sounds like hand, foot and mouth disease... yuck! Sorry Jana...Erin