Sunday, October 7, 2007

"I'm too big"

We have a new saying around our house. For anything Samantha doesn't want to do she tells me "No Momma, I'm too big." The first time she said it I came in her room to ask her why she wasn't taking a nap and she tells me "I can't Momma, I'm too big." I literally fell over laughing and she began giggling as well because she was quite proud that she had made her Mommy laugh. And I laughed so much that I of course didn't make her take a nap because her wit had amused me. Well now she is saying it for everything. I will ask Sam "do you want breakfast, do you need to go potty, etc... and the response is the same "I'm too big." There also seems to be some confusion/trickery on her part if I try to tell her that she can't do something because she is too big(like sit in her doll stoller). She immediately starts telling me "oh no Momma I not too big, I Sam, I the big sister." Where does she come up with this stuff? She cracks us up.....

Also, Miss Alexandra is officially saying 2 words. She says "hi" and "Da Da." As much as I coached her to say Momma first she is laying the "Dada Dada" on pretty thick! Does he feed her, bathe her, change her??? Not near enough to deserve the first word! Am I jealous?? Maybe just a little... :)


Anonymous said...

Hey Jana..... I am getting caught up on your blog. i can't believe how big the girls are getting!!!

I am trying to decided when to come home... I am not sure yet. I might just pack up and come tomorrow! :)

I am homesick!

Anonymous said...

hillarious...let's do the play date soon so I can laugh with you at your silly girl!! Erin

Wife, Mother and photographer said...


Thanks for leaving us a comment on our blog. I've added your blog to my blog links! I love to read blogs and keep up to date with friends and their little ones. Your girls are growing so fast!! They are too cute, and from what I've read about Samantha's things, she is HILARIOUS!! Can't wait for our little one to start coming up with the funnies!!

Do you remember what Samantha's first word was?? did she say "da da" or "ma ma" first?? I recently heard that if whichever one your child says first, indicates if your next one is a boy or a girl. So, if it's "ma ma" you get a girl next time; if it's "da da" you get a boy next time!! Don't know how much of that is true, but it's fun to think about! :) Marleny

Wife, Mother and photographer said...


Thanks for leaving us a comment on our blog. I've added your blog to my blog links! I love to read blogs and keep up to date with friends and their little ones. Your girls are growing so fast!! They are too cute, and from what I've read about Samantha's things, she is HILARIOUS!! Can't wait for our little one to start coming up with the funnies!!

Do you remember what Samantha's first word was?? did she say "da da" or "ma ma" first?? I recently heard that if whichever one your child says first, indicates if your next one is a boy or a girl. So, if it's "ma ma" you get a girl next time; if it's "da da" you get a boy next time!! Don't know how much of that is true, but it's fun to think about! :) Marleny