Friday, August 10, 2007

10 year anniversary

Well folks my hubbie and I were officially married for 10 years yesterday. That is a decade people, remember in elementary school when you thought a decade was a long time. Well let me tell you that this decade passed by very very quickly. We are planning on going away on a vacation to celebrate once I am done nursing the baby, so probably not until early next year. I thought that was going to be our present to each other but he surprised me by flying back in town (he had to be gone for work) and take me out to a wonderfully romantic dinner and if that weren't enough he gave me a gorgeous anniversary band. I couldn't believe it, was so very sweet! On top of all of that the baby actually behaved quite well for her grandparents while we were gone, so it looks like her medicine is working quite well for her.

Well I should probably do a separate blog for this but what the heck. As I have mentioned before we are stiiiiiillllll potty training our oldest. We have really good days and not so good days. Well 2 days ago I had our insurance agent over and was signing some paperwork when my sweet girl strolls into the kitchen to inform me "Moma I need to use the potty" well I am thinking this is not the best timing but am proud of her that she is actually telling me. So I take her in and put her on the potty and tell her that I will be right back and I go back and continue signing the paperwork. In no time she is yelling for me telling me that she is finished, I tell her to sit a bit longer and I will be right back. I wait a few minutes and then head in there and she tells me "moma I popped in the potty" I am thinking well that is great and I look and she hasn't gone, but I mysteriously still smell poop... Hmmm don't know why...... Well I get her and put her pull up back on and start washing her hands and I look down at the floor in front of the potty and lo and behold there is a big turd!! I can do nothing at this point but laugh and clean it up! Luckily we have an insurance agent that was born with a sense of humor, but I was still embarrassed none the less. Oh the joys of parenting. At least this time she was in the bathroom right??!!


Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary!!!!!! Who knew Justin was really just a big 'ol romantic!!!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on 10 years!