Saturday, May 26, 2007

Early Morning Singing

All anyone wants when they go to bed on Friday night is to get to sleep in a little on Saturday morning. As I am sure you know with young kids this hardly ever happens and today was no exception. When I hear one of the kids start to move around all I can think of is please just let me sleep a few more minutes. Well this morning Samantha was the first one to begin stirring around in her bed. Each morning she usually starts the day by getting a book and getting back in her bed and reading it before she is ready to leave her room.... but on some mornings we get a special treat and get to hear her singing. This mornings choice went something like this:

Tinkle Tinkle ittle staaaar how I wunder what you arrrre
Up ubove du world so high yike a diamond in the skkkkky
Tinkle Tinkle ittle staaaar

Needless to say this wakes the entire house and I must say it makes Justin and I look at eachother and crack up and we can't wait to go and get her out of bed so we can start the day and see what she will do next. Who needs coffee when they can wake up to this kind of singing??? Oh ya I do!!

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