Wednesday, August 26, 2009


It is virtually impossible to get my girls to look at the camera these days... So here is one of them looking at whatever they wanted! It was Sam's first day of Preschool and she was so excited. Remember that exciting feeling you would get when you were a kid about going back to school well I actually had it yesterday and wished I could have stayed in the class with her! Ally had her second dance class yesterday and seriously have you ever seen anything look cuter in a leotard? Life has become insanely busy at our house recently with dance classes, pre-school, awana, library visits, zoo, aquarium, etc... That doesn't even count all the stuff that I have going on for myself now, but this blog isn't about me, and besides every Mom could say the same thing. I will post more pics soon!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

My 4 year old!!!

My sweet baby girl is now a 4 year old. I really can't believe that it is possible for 4 years to go by so quickly. It is so cliche, but it really seems like I just had her. She and her sister are my biggest accomplishments and I am so very proud to be their Mommy. So in honor of Samantha's 4th birthday here are 4 things I love about my little girl.

1. She has a very tender heart. She is sensitive not only to us, but any living thing. She is beautiful on the inside and out.
2. She is flat out brilliant (can you tell I am her mom). I love this age we actually sit around and have great conversations, she amazes me with her curiosity for knowledge.
3. I love how she loves to snuggle up to me and go to sleep. Its so sweet since in general she usually doesn't like to cuddle.
4. I love how she tries to take care of her little sister and teach her things... so cute to watch!
and 1 more to grow on
5. I love how she already loves the Lord. She has such a sweet spirit about her and enjoys praying every night for our friends and family.

Your Daddy and I love you very much sweet girl!! Happy 4th Birthday Samantha!!!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

First trip to the Dentist

Samantha had her first dentist appointment, and she did fantastically. We promised her lip gloss if she did a good job, and of course she got it in 3 colors and was so excited. I am so proud of my little girl...