Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Happy Birthday Sweet Girl!!

Well Samantha is officially 3.  We had her 3rd annual pool party at her grandparents house.  Samantha has been talking about her birthday for months, so she was so excited that the day had finally arrived.  She had such a great time.  We cooked hamburgers and hung out with family and friends, it was a great day.  Happy Birthday sweet girl!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

My baby is turning 3!!!

I can hardly believe it but my sweet Samantha will be 3 in just a few days. I took her 3 year old pictures this morning and they turned out ok. She is such a fun, sweet, and smart little girl. She is a wonderful blessing to our family! I will post pics from her actual party in a few days... In the meantime here are a few shots from this mornings photo shoot. Happy Birthday Sweet Girl!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Well Samantha is officially old enough to embarrass us. My lovely husband was talking this weekend about being Indian for those of you who don't know he is a card carrying Cherokee and Pottawatomie Indian. Are you thinking to yourself oh yes now I see how I could have obviously overlooked it? No, I didn't think so he couldn't look more Irish could he? Anyway this is a funny thing around our house since he doesn't look Indian so he starts jokingly saying "Don't let the white man keep you down." You know I am the "white man" at our house. So we have a little laugh about it and then Samantha starts saying it. I told her that we don't say that and I thought that was the end of it. Well not so much..... The next day we went to Walmart because her Daddy is going to get her a fish tank for her birthday and we were on the isle looking at all the fish with about 6 or 7 other people and Samantha looked at her sister and said "Ally, don't let the white man keep you down." I was mortified. I think Daddy needs his mouth washed out with soap!!! Hope nobody is offended by this crazy story!!