Here are just a few pics of the girls playing. Alexandra is trying to take her clothes off in a couple of these pictures. She is always ripping bows and ponytails out of her hair and apparently now she is going to start trying to undress herself. On another note Samantha is completely potty trained and has been for a little over a week. I was hoping she would do this before she turned 3 and she did, I am so proud. One little hiccup we have is that she apparently doesn't like public restrooms. We went to the mall today and we spent no joke half the time we were there in the bathroom. She kept telling me she had to poop but just couldn't go when we got in there. Probably doesn't help that she is constantly about to fall in and every 35 seconds the automatic toilet flushes on her. She kept saying that she wanted to go home to potty. So needless to say she never went and decided to hold it until we got home. I got to say that Justin and I really hate public restrooms and apparently this behavior has rubbed off on our poor daughter.
Another funny little story... Justin was out of town last night for work and he called to check on us and was asking about the girls. When he called Alexandra had already gone to bed. So Samantha gets on the phone and tells her Daddy that "Sissy is chasing bunnies in her sleep sack." She is so funny.