Sunday, May 18, 2008

Home Sweet Home

We are home!  We had a wonderful vacation full of fun memories.  I did try to hide but they found me and put me on the plane!  It really wasn't bad traveling with a 1 and 2 year old.  The girls were exhausted when we got home yesterday and have been sleeping a ton.  I think Alexandra slept something like 15 or 16 hours last night and Samantha not much less than that.  Between my in-laws and us we checked 10 bags coming home.  I have never traveled with so much stuff in my life.  Samantha didn't want to come home but she seems to be adjusting ok!  :)  It is a little sad that Justin has to go to work tomorrow and the girls and I have to get back to laundry and cleaning.  Does anyone have any ideas on how we could become independently wealthy and just travel around?   Here are just a few more pics from the trip.  Between us and Justin's parents we took more than 1500 but I doubt anyone wants to look at that many!!  Hope everyone has a good week!!!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Last night we went to a Luau and it was so much fun.  The girls loved the dancing and Samantha has been shaking her hips since we left.  Samantha calls our condo her "Hawaii house" and she calls the mini van our "Hawaii car" it is quite funny.  We have been here 9 days and I  have started telling her that it is almost time for us to go back to our house and she starts running around telling me "I don't want to go to our house, I love Hawaii"  Isn't that cute?  The last time I told her she hid in the closet so she won't have to go....  I wonder if that would work for me??  If you don't see or hear from me for a while I have decided to hide with Sam!!!  
The family at the luau!  We have trouble smiling
and looking at the camera!
Sam learning to shake her hips like a hula dancer.
Sam making a hawaiian necklace
Samantha and Alexandra hanging loose!  :)

Saturday, May 10, 2008

We are here!!!

Well we made it to Hawaii and it is just as glorious as I remember!  Getting here was a minor miracle.  We had 4 checked bags, 2 checked car seats, 3 carry on's, 1 purse, 1 umbrella stroller and oh ya our 2 children.  Does that seem like a lot?  I have never taken so much luggage anywhere in my life.  You would think we have moved to Maui...  oh wait that might not be a bad idea!  Anyhow we are having a wonderful time.....  Here are some pics!  We are here another week so I will try to post some more pics later.
The Family...
Samantha and I got up early to watch a sunrise.
       Can you tell that Alexandra likes Hawaii?
Such a happy baby...
      The view from our hotel room is lovely...