Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Funny story

I am sure I will say it many more times but I am so amazed at what a 2 year old can come up with to tell you. Here is my story... Alexandra is taking a swim class because we are going to Hawaii in May. Yes, I do realize that this is more "water appreciation class" rather then swim class and that she won't be swimming laps in the ocean, but hey I think it is good for her anyway! :) Anyway, Justin is doing the class with her and Samantha and I watch them from the viewing area. Well Samantha got it in her head that she was going to get to go swimming as well when we were changing Alexandra's clothes to leave and I told her that no she gets to go to gymnastics and Ally doesn't and Ally gets to go to swim class and she doesn't. Well as shocking as it may seem it is hard to reason with a 2 year old!!! We got in the car and she was still whining about it so I turned around and told her again why she wasn't doing it and told her to be quiet that I didn't want to hear it. Much to my surprise it was quiet the rest of the way home. So when we arrived home and were getting out of the car I leaned over to give her a kiss and was starting to tell her it was alright, and she told me in the saddest most pathetic voice "Moma don't worry about me." Can you believe that??? Let the manipulation begin because it was all I could do not to get back in the car and take her and enroll her in a class. She is the sweetest thing and too darn smart for her own good!!! Laf!

Samantha wearing princess shoes that Aunt Kelly and Uncle Jason bought her for Christmas.
My sweet Alexandra loves to sit in the bathtub, she actually cries when you take her out...

Thursday, January 17, 2008

My Babies

I took pictures of my girls today.  I took Ally's 9 month pictures and Samantha's 2 1/2 year pics.  Nevermind that Ally just turned 10 months and Samantha won't be 2 1/2 until the end of the month....  that's just a minor detail!!!  I would just like to say I don't know how anyone ever has a cute picture of their kid.  It is like trying to tame a couple of wild animals.  My mother- in-law and I had to keep saying please don't pull the backdrop down, please don't pull up your dress, please don't pick your nose, please don't spit up your lunch on your pretty dress, please don't stick out your tongue etc.....  Holy smokes Batman I needed a nap after it was all said and done.  Anyway here are a couple of the pics......

Friday, January 11, 2008


Ok I am blogging about this in honor of my friend Erin.  We went to their house tonight and had a lovely time visiting and letting the kids play and eating delicious brownies that Erin made from scratch.... so good!  Anyway Erin and I are trying to visit while our daughters are running around in circles playing and it is starting to get late.  Anyone who knows my Samantha knows that when she gets tired she goes into super destructive mode.    Well Samantha does something that I have to correct her for and she runs both her hands through her hair and tells me "you driving me crazy."  Erin laughed and laughed and laughed...... you just wait Erin this is what you have to look forward to with Lucy in 9 months....:)  Ok Erin here is your encouragement, it is time to start a blog because Miss Lucy is so funny, and I know you have and will have many funny stories to tell about that cutie.  Ok well this is Crazy signing off!!!

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Sick Girls

Well Samantha started out having a cough/cold for the past couple of weeks and Alexandra kept avoiding it so I thought she was going to be in the clear...  No such luck New Year's day she came down with a serious cough that sounded quite awful so I took her in to the doctor and they said she has the Croup virus.  They gave her steroids and she is starting to sound better now, but it was so sad.  Anyway, I thought I would put a post up on why I haven't been on here lately, I have been playing with sick babies.   Post more later when I actually have something interesting to say!