Sunday, October 14, 2007

Pumpkin Patch

We took the girls to the Pumpkin patch today and it was both of the girl's mission to never look at the camera, but we did manage to get a few good shots of them. Samantha had so much fun picking out a Pumpkin to bring home, and Alexandra just tries to eat anything that gets close to her mouth!! I also threw in a couple other random pics into the slide show that I thought were cute..... Hope everyone had a good weekend, we sure did!

Sunday, October 7, 2007

"I'm too big"

We have a new saying around our house. For anything Samantha doesn't want to do she tells me "No Momma, I'm too big." The first time she said it I came in her room to ask her why she wasn't taking a nap and she tells me "I can't Momma, I'm too big." I literally fell over laughing and she began giggling as well because she was quite proud that she had made her Mommy laugh. And I laughed so much that I of course didn't make her take a nap because her wit had amused me. Well now she is saying it for everything. I will ask Sam "do you want breakfast, do you need to go potty, etc... and the response is the same "I'm too big." There also seems to be some confusion/trickery on her part if I try to tell her that she can't do something because she is too big(like sit in her doll stoller). She immediately starts telling me "oh no Momma I not too big, I Sam, I the big sister." Where does she come up with this stuff? She cracks us up.....

Also, Miss Alexandra is officially saying 2 words. She says "hi" and "Da Da." As much as I coached her to say Momma first she is laying the "Dada Dada" on pretty thick! Does he feed her, bathe her, change her??? Not near enough to deserve the first word! Am I jealous?? Maybe just a little... :)

Tuesday, October 2, 2007


Today while my mother-in-law was over visiting Samantha disappeared for a few minutes. When I went to find her I found her sitting at Justin's desk in our office just typing away on the keyboard I asked her "What are you doing?" and you know what she told me "I am checking my e-mail!" clear as day and very matter of factly as if of course I should have known that without asking!!! Anyone who knows us knows that we are a bit geeky at our house with enough computers for each of us to have 2, but jeez I think we may have corrupted our 2 year old or maybe she is just starting early to be the female version of Bill Gates!! Laf! Below is a pic of Miss Samantha checking that e-mail.

Monday, October 1, 2007

Austin Weekend

Our last unmarried college friend got hitched in Austin a week ago and all of us went down to their wedding. We had a good time celebrating with them. Justin and I left Samantha with my parents but took Alexandra with us. Alexandra had a lot of firsts this weekend, her first plane ride, her first rehersal dinner, her first wedding, and her first ride in a limo. It was a long weekend for her and she slept quite a bit the day after we got home. Here are some pictures of the fun event. Congrats to Brent and Lauren!!! Hurry up and make some babies you guys are the last ones for that too!! Love you all!

James, Kerri, and Anna (of course she will make
her official apperance in December!)

James, Lauren, Brent, Samer, and Justin!!
You boys sure look handsome!

Samer, Farah, Jana, and Ally after dinner.

Mommy, Daddy, and Alexandra dancing.

Kerri, Jana, Alexandra, and Farah getting in our
limo to take us to the wedding!

Farah and Alexandra

Samer and Alexandra

Jana, Justin, and Alexandra

The Ceremony

The happy couple!