Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Sick Girls

Two sick girs!!! Eeek! This is the first time since Alexandra was born since they both have been sick at the same time and it has been quite busy around here. Samantha got sick first and now Miss Ally has it. They both have a runny nose and cough and overall just don't feel well. I got up this morning and took them both in to the doctor and she said they have a virus that is going around and gave them a cough medicine. I told Sam this morning that her and Ally were going to the doctor and she told me "No baby sister goes to the doctor, I go to the big doctor." Her doctor is a little short and looks young, so if anyone knows any "big" doctors please let Samantha know. I will post more when I have something more to write than I wiped noses all day!!!

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Late Labor Day Post

We went camping/4 wheeler riding over Labor Day weekend with a bunch of my family. We had a ball with everyone, and the girls proved to be great riders. There were 7 4 wheelers with 14 of us in total. A couple days before we left we went on a search mission to find Samantha a helmet since we knew we would be doing a bunch of riding, but her head is just so tiny we couldn't find one. So we ended up getting her a bicycle helmet and my mom got her some goggles. She is so adorable wearing them and since our return home has requested to wear her helmet around the house some. I get a few raised eyebrows when I open the door at home to people wondering why my daughter is wearing a helmet, but whatever... Anyhow I wore Ally in one of those Baby Bjorns and she spent quite a bit of time sleeping. Samantha has always been one of those kids who NEVER and I mean never passes out, but a couple of times that we stopped for a break while riding she was asleep, so let's just say 4 wheeling really takes it out of them. Funny story the second day we went riding we left about 10:00 a.m. to ride thinking we would be gone 4 or 5 hours like the day before, we brought lunch drinks and a few snacks. We stopped at lunch time at this great rock wall and had lunch after we finished my Daddy decided that we should not go back the way we came but go out a different way and he said it would wrap back around to our camp. Well guess what we got lost. I in no way mean a little lost, I mean big time lost. We spent the rest of the day basically driving in circles at the top of this mountain. Long story short we rode the 4 wheelers 70 miles that day and had to get someone to show us how to get back to our camp. We rolled back into camp around 9:30 p.m. pretty tired, and a bit hungry, but overall we had a really good time being lost, and we are all ready to do it again especially Samantha. Anyone else game?